And not so much for fashion purpose or simply to look cool, Hawaiians only get tattoo for a few purposes:
- Mourning For A Loved One - For remembrance of a love one lost
- Talisman For Protection - To protect and ward off evil spirits or enemy
- Personal Identifications - Identify themselves as a community or group
Therefore, most Hawaiian tattoos have a certain meaning or significance behind it.
Comparing to their neighbors from other islands within the Polynesian chain like Maori and Samoan, Hawaiian tattoo designs tend to be larger and bolder in size and colours. Few common Hawaiian tattoo designs are:
- Arrows
- Flowers
- Dolphins
- Lizards (Hawaiians have great respect for lizards)
- Sea Turtle
If you want to look for unique and exclusive Hawaiian tattoo art works, go check out my blogs on the hottest and most talked about tattoo galleries online from the link below!
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